Economic Characteristics

The Agona West Municipal Assembly has a lot of economic potentials in the form of both natural and man-made as displayed in Table 3. The most spectacular is the presence of markets in most major towns to promote trade and commerce. The Municipality produces large quantities of cassava, maize, plantain, cocoyam and vegetables. Cocoa, palm oil and coffee are also produced.

Granite for the production of quarry stone for all types of construction abound. Mining of sand occurs in several parts of the Municipality, particularly, Swedru. Palm kernel oil is processed into local soap in several of the large communities. Distillation of local gin is predominant in the Abodom and Kukurantumi areas. Swedru is home to a number of hotels of international status where workshops and conferences are held. There are important second cycle educational institutions. The Municipality is well served by major trunk roads and health facilities.


To assist the 6 sub Municipal areas to implement and sustain climate change issues (adaptation and mitigation) in the local planning processes. To facilitate and sustain the integration of climate change and disaster risk reduction into municipal development planning processes.To create and deepen awareness about the critical role of climate change and disasters in the Municipality development efforts Municipal Development Goals could be hampered by ignoring Climate and disaster risk reduction issues and Much less attention has been paid to making development more resilient to climate change, its related disasters and impacts.

 The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) defines climate change as a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.


    • Energy
    • Agriculture and food security issues
    • Disaster management,
    • Water management,
    • Education
    • Health,
    • Livelihoods,
    • Coastal Zone Management,
    • Land use planning and
    • Infrastructure Designing
    • Tourism
    • Mitigation and Adaptation
    • Extreme Weather events
    • Droughts
    • Floods
    • Storms
    • Vulnerabilities and Risks